
A New Chapter: Unveiling the Revamped RightData

A New Chapter: Unveiling the Revamped RightData

It seems almost like a ritual, doesn't it? A new marketing team steps in and a rebrand is almost always in the cards. I had firmly told myself that we wouldn't tread that path, but here we are, embracing a fresh start with a renewed energy at RightData. Honestly, we're quite excited to unveil it to you!

So, what sparked this change, especially now? During our strategy sessions a few months ago, we realized that our narrative had evolved significantly since the early days. From a single product, RDt, we've grown to house a dynamic trio of powerhouse tools. However, a glance at our website revealed a story that wasn't quite cohesive. It was clear that we needed to redefine our image and highlight the synergy between our offerings.

The old RightData website

RightData has transformed into a powerhouse for creating trusted data products. We're talking about analysis-ready data, user-friendly definitions, fundability, accessibility, and actionability. This is the new heartbeat of RightData, a nexus where data products are brought to life with finesse.

We started with our logo. The previous one served us well, encapsulating our dedication to data quality during our initial phase.

But as we ventured into new territories, introducing innovative data engineering capabilities and prepping to launch a state-of-the-art data catalog, it seemed a bit out of sync. We knew we needed a logo that mirrored our ethos and showcased our journey.

Drawing inspiration from the concept of a wormhole, a phenomenon that signifies a direct and swift passage from one point to another, we envisioned our new logo to be a representation of the quickest pathway from raw data to actionable business insights.

We thought about the mathematical equation for a "singularity" and loved the idea. Simple, has meaning and is easily explainable.

Cool idea that didn't work so well as smaller sizes.

But we quickly came to realize that while the concept works, the "two curve" symbol looks like an "X" when reduced down to a normal logo logo size.

Back to the drawing board.

After several iterations, we crafted a design that not only resembles a data pipeline but also embodies the singularity, marking the fastest route from raw data to insightful decisions.

Represents the singularity concept AND looks like pipelines. Winner!

Our refreshed tagline, "RightData: Built for Data Products, Built for Trust," resonates with our renewed focus. It's a clear and assertive declaration of our mission - to develop data products that stand as beacons of reliability and quality in the industry.

And so, our new logo was born:

The new RightData logo

We've also revamped our product names to better reflect their functionalities and the harmonious relationship between them. RDt has evolved into DataTrust, symbolizing our unwavering commitment to data accuracy and reliability. Dextrus has transitioned to DataFactory, everything you need for seamless data engineering solutions. And our latest entrant, the next-generation data catalog, has adopted the name DataMarket, offering a platform where data products are easily accessible and actionable.

A huge thank you to our friends at Pixeto who played a pivotal role in bringing our vision to fruition, aiding in the design and development of our new logo and website.

So here we stand, ready to embark on a vibrant new chapter as RightData, your dependable ally for top-quality data products. We believe you will appreciate the new look and direction as much as we do.